Safety Management (SM EN): Online

Safety Management (SM EN): Online

ICAO Course


The course describes ICAO safety management provisions and the implementation of State Safety Programme (SSP) and Safety Management System (SMS) at State and service provider level, respectively.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the Safety Management Online courses, trainees will be able to:  

  • Apply the fundamental concepts and principles of aviation safety management;
  • Develop SSP/SMS implementation plans based on the frameworks provided in ICAO Safety Management SARPs and guidance material;
  • Participate in the organization’s SSP/SMS implementation and operation.




Primary Target Population

The training is most beneficial for those who work for a State regulatory body involved in the planning, development, and implementation of State Safety Programmes, and for staff who work for an aviation service provider involved in the planning, development and implementation of Safety Management Systems.

Entry Requirements


Course Fee

500.00 USD
CAA Employee: 375.00 USD
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Course Info
Language: English
Other Languages: Spanish
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 13 Hours
Level: Technical