Corporate Partner

University of Messina (L’Università degli Studi di Messina)

Messina, Italy

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The University of Messina is a public institution with autonomy, which inherits the cultural tradition of the ancient Studium messanense generale and renews it in scientific research and teaching, supporting the Mediterranean and European vocation of the city and the Strait area.


The University of Messina now offers a wide range of courses, with numerous undergraduate courses, both three-year and specialized, able to intercept and respond adequately to the demands of the world of work. The University is divided into several poles, located both in the center and in the southern and northern suburbs of the city, reachable through the transport services offered by the University in agreement with public and private companies.


Messina, a city founded by the ancient Greeks around 756 BC, thanks to its geographical position in the center of the Mediterranean, is a place where different cultures meet. Its cosmopolitan tradition is carried on by the University, thanks to the many opportunities offered by the international programs in which it is inserted and of which it is often also promoter. The passion for research is in fact the basis of numerous agreements with universities around the world. The University of Messina promotes, maintains and develops intense collaboration relationships with foreign universities, so much so that the process of internationalization has become a strategic aspect in the fields of research, teaching and mobility of teachers, researchers and students. In this sense, the academic bodies have signed agreements with more than forty foreign universities, in a large international circuit.

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University of Messina (L’Università degli Studi di Messina), Italy

Master in Aviation: Sustainable Development Goals

1 Years
Partner Type: Educational Partner
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Contact Info
090 676 8680
Piazza Pugliatti 1
Messina, Italy, 98122