Professional Master´s Degree in Air Navigation Services Management

Professional Master´s Degree in Air Navigation Services Management

Partner-ICAO Course


The programme provides students with the necessary competencies to manage and plan air navigation services in accordance with ICAO SARPs and making use of the best practices applied in the world

Learning Objectives

Develop specific competencies so that personnel belonging to the target population acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes applicable to the management and planning of air navigation services


  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Master Final Test

Primary Target Population

Aimed primarily at ANS professionals, ANSP managers, engineers, air traffic controllers, economists, lawyers and other employees of an air navigation service provider

Entry Requirements

To complete the previous courses:

·        Module I Fundamentals and Planning of ANS services specialist

·        Module II: Advanced management of corporate ANS services expert

·        Module III: Advanced management of technical-operational ANS services expert

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Course Info
Language: Spanish
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person)
Duration: 450 Days / 900 Hours
Level: Management