Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) - Basic

Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) - Basic

ITP/R/ANS/ATSEP/016E (Online)
Member-ICAO Course


The course aims at imparting basic knowledge of communication, navigation, surveillance (CNS)/air traffic management (ATM), Aeronautical Information Services, meteorology, air traffic services, human factors and safety management systems to Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) involved in safety related tasks and those seeking to complete the basic minimum training requirements for ATSEP Licensing in accordance with international standards.

Special thanks to the International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA) for their expertise and contribution to the alignment of the course content with the relevant ICAO provisions.

Learning Objectives

Given relevant ICAO documents, the trainee will be able to:

  • Identify frameworks of the ATSEP work environment  
  • Apply principles of CNS/ATM systems and infrastructure in Air Navigation Service  
  • Apply Management Systems and Strategies in the CNS/ATM context 


  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Air Navigation Services Units
  • Module 2: Air Traffic Management
  • Module 3: Infrastructure and Facilities
  • Module 4: Communication Systems
  • Module 5: Navigation Aids Systems
  • Module 6: Surveillance and Collision Avoidance System
  • Module 7: Data Processing (DP)
  • Module 8: Systems Monitoring and Control (SMC) Function
  • Module 9: General Maintenance Procedures

Primary Target Population

The primary target population for the course are ATSEPs involved in safety related tasks and ab-initio students intending to build a career in operational related tasks in the aviation industry

Entry Requirements

Aeronautical Telecommunications Engineering Diploma, Engineering Degree or equivalent, intending ATSEPs with minimum of 1600Hrs experience in electronics and ATSEPs with pre-requisite qualifications or experience in Air Traffic Safety Electronics Services operational safety related tasks.

Course Fee

1,000.00 USD
Women Discount: 10% off
CAA Employee: 750.00 USD
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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 40 Hours
Level: Technical