Aeronautical Spectrum Use with Special Focus on VHF(ASU EN): Online

Aeronautical Spectrum Use with Special Focus on VHF(ASU EN): Online

ICAO Course


This course aims to provide the fundamentals of frequency and spectrum management, focusing mainly on Very High Frequency (VHF) used by aeronautical communications systems, as well as a description of the specific terms used in frequency management in civil aviation including a brief discussion about aeronautical communications and navigation systems.  

Course Description

The course starts by providing clear explanations of key terms to help you understand Very High Frequency (VHF), in addition to providing an overview of key concepts related to Frequency Management. It further enables you to explore the aeronautical services carried out in VHF and helps you to identify the frequency bands for a wide variety of uses in communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS). 

The course will also help you to develop valuable skills such as discovering the stages in the operations of air traffic control units (ATCU) and demonstrating an understanding of service priority classifications, which include safety and non-safety related communications. 

Finally, successful completion of this course will help you gain valuable skills in identifying the basics of specific aeronautical communications and navigation systems operating in VHF.  

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Discover key terms and key issues related to spectrum.
  • Become familiar with important concepts related to frequency and spectrum. 
  • Explore what aeronautical services are carried by VHF to identify the frequency bands dedicated to specific navigation and communications uses
  • Discover the stages in the operations of air traffic control units (ATCU), from departure to arrival of an aircraft.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how service priority works, including the difference between safety and non-safety related communications.
  • Identify some basic characteristics of aeronautical communications and navigation systems operating in the VHF range of frequency bands.

Course Structure

  • Course Introduction
  • Module 1: Frequency Spectrum
  • Module 2: Frequency Allocations for Aeronautical CNS
  • Module 3: Aeronautical Safety Services Carried by VHF - Part 1
  • Module 4: Aeronautical Safety Services Carried by VHF - Part 2
  • Module 5: Service Priority - Order of Communications 
  • Module 6: Characteristics of VHF Aeronautical Communications 
  • Final Exam

Primary Target Population

Primary target audience: 

  • CNS and/or spectrum engineers working with and as Air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and at airports with limited knowledge of spectrum management;
  • Civil Aviation Authorities, Member States, and other aviation industry professionals who are joining organizations as spectrum managers with CNS backgrounds;
  • ANS-CNS Inspectors.

Secondary target audience: 

  • Supervisors and/or managers in the field of CNS/ATM systems; 
  • Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel (ATSEP); and university Students who are interested in Aeronautical Communications, Navigation and Surveillance/Spectrum management/Air traffic management/ Air traffic safety electronics


The Final Exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. You require a grade of 80% to pass, and you are allowed 3 attempts. Upon successful completion of the exam, you will receive ICAO’s e-Certificate.

Course Fee

300.00 USD
Women Discount: 10% off
CAA Employee: 225.00 USD
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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 4 Hours
Level: Technical