USOAP CMA Phase 2 - Aircraft Operations including Dangerous Goods (OPS EN): Online

USOAP CMA Phase 2 - Aircraft Operations including Dangerous Goods (OPS EN): Online

ICAO Course


The Aircraft Operations including Dangerous Goods (OPS) online course assists aviation experts in preparing for Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme Continuous Monitoring Approach (USOAP CMA) activities, particularly in audits within the area of OPS/DG.

Course Description:

The Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) provides a mechanism for ICAO to collect and analyze safety information from Member States and other stakeholders in order to identify and prioritize appropriate oversight and monitoring activities to be carried out by ICAO. 

The Aircraft Operations including Dangerous Goods (OPS) online course will enable you to gain knowledge on auditing techniques to be applied and enhance your competencies in the area of OPS/DG related to USOAP. The course focuses specifically on identifying Protocol Questions, developing related auditing techniques, and exploring key documents and guidance material. 

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the essential content of the Protocol Questions (PQs) in the area of aircraft operations (OPS), including dangerous goods (DG), and identify the more challenging ones
  • Examine the Protocol Questions for the associated ICAO documents, including Annexes 6 and 18 of the Chicago Convention, aircraft operations and dangerous goods-related guidance material
  • Demonstrate the application of auditing techniques and methodology in the area of aircraft operations, including dangerous goods

Course Structure:

The course has the following structure:

  • Course Introduction
  • Section 1: State’s Legislation Regulations
  • Section 2: Aircraft Operations Organization
  • Section 3: Documents Evaluation of AOC Applicant
  • Section 4: Issuance of the AOC
  • Section 5: Surveillance of Air Operators
  • Section 6: Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
  • Practice Quiz
  • Course Summary
  • Final Exam

Primary Target Population

  • Prospective ICAO auditors and ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission (ICVM) experts 
  • State aviation safety personnel who neither have a nomination letter nor meet the criteria to become potential USOAP CMA auditors yet wish to enhance their competencies 
  • Experts working for the ICAO Technical Co-operation Bureau (TCB) 
  • Other aviation industry professionals who are interested in expanding their knowledge in one of the audit areas related to the USOAP CMA 

Course Fee

400.00 USD
CAA Employee: 300.00 USD
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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 6 Hours
Level: Technical