Aeronautical Ground Lights Serviceability Standards and Maintenance

Aeronautical Ground Lights Serviceability Standards and Maintenance

Standardized Training Package


The course goal of this STP is to provide “Airport Operations Executives deputed for airside management and Airside Maintenance Engineers handling airside maintenance” with knowledge, skills and attitudes to ensure availability and serviceability of aeronautical ground lights as per prescribed India regulations and ICAO provisions for safety, regularity and efficiency of aircraft operations to and from airports.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, the participants will be able to :

  • Provide AGL for an airfield
  • Verify serviceability and availability of AGL


  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Provide AGL for an Airfield
  • Module 2: Verify Serviceability and availability of AGL

Primary Target Population

i. Airport Operations executives

Airport Operations executives are responsible for monitoring all airside functions and activities including Airside Visual Aids for smooth operation of aircraft.

 ii. Airside Maintenance Engineers

Airside Maintenance Engineers, who are deputed for maintenance of AGL are directly responsible for maintaining AGL as per the serviceability standards.

Entry Requirements

Participants should be Graduate engineer or Graduate in any discipline with minimum two years of working experience with airports, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders working at airports.

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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person)
Duration: 5 Days / 27 Hours
Level: Technical