Aviation Data-driven Decision Making (AD3M EN) - Part 1: Online

Aviation Data-driven Decision Making (AD3M EN) - Part 1: Online

ICAO Course


This Aviation Data-driven Decision Making (AD3M) online course explores the fundamental concepts behind data-driven decision making.

Note that Part 1 remains a prerequisite for attending the Virtual and Classroom courses.

Learning Objectives

Participants who complete the AD3M online course will be able to explain the fundamental concepts behind data-driven decision making.

The following five online modules cover:

  1. What is AD3M? Challenges and benefits.
  2. Data management, data governance, data development, data quality, data security.
  3. What are metrics? Indicators. What makes a good indicator?
  4. What is data analysis? Types of statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics. Inferential statistics. Correlation vs Causation. Predictive analysis. Regression model.
  5. Data visualization. Basic charts, stacking, time series, scatterplots, maps, dashboards.

Course Structure

  • Module 1 - Introduction
  • Module 2 - Data management
  • Module 3 – Metrics and Indicators
  • Module 4 – Basic Statistical Analysis
  • Module 5 - Visualization and Reporting
  • Final Exam

Primary Target Population

Aviation professionals and managers from Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs), airlines, aerodrome operators, and other service providers involved in collecting, managing, reporting or making decisions using aviation data.

Entry Requirements


Course Fee

400.00 USD
Women Discount: 10% off
CAA Employee: 300.00 USD
Take This Course
Course Info
Language: English
Other Languages: Spanish
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 8 Hours
Level: Management