Terrestrial Radio Link Installation Planning

Terrestrial Radio Link Installation Planning

Standardized Training Package


To provide senior ATSEP who are involved in installing communication infrastructure to support CNS and ATM systems, the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to formulate an effective plan for the installation of a Terrestrial Radio Link in conformity with relevant ITU recommendations.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the participant  will be able to:

  • Perform path profile calculations to install a given radio link between two predetermined locations on ground in conformity to ITU-R recommendations.
  • Formulate a link budget to install a given radio link between two predetermined locations on ground in conformity to ITU-R recommendations.


  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Develop a Template for Free Space Loss (FSL) Calculation
  • Module 2: Adjust the Template to Account for External Factors Causing Link Attenuation
  • Module 3: Perform a Link Budget Calculation

Primary Target Population

The Primary Target Population would comprise senior ATSEP who are involved in installing communication infrastructure to support CNS and ATM systems.

Entry Requirements

Shall be deployed in the maintenance of CNS equipment of commercial Air Navigation Service providers.

Good command of English language.

Internet literacy. 

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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person) (including introductory online module)
Duration: 5 Days / 30 Hours
Level: Technical