Air Traffic Services Supervisor

Air Traffic Services Supervisor

059/073/ATS SUP
Standardized Training Package


The course will enhance the knowledge and develop the skills of current or potential ATS Shift Supervisors to effectively perform their supervisory role in accordance with international best practices.

Learning Objectives


On successful completion of training the participants will have the required knowledge and skills to perform the duties of ATS Shift Supervisor. Specifically they will be able to

  • Perform HOW/TOW Procedure and Practices
  • Maintain the Watch Log
  • Manage staff
  • Manage ATS Operations


Primary Target Population

ATS personnel who have:

  • The required level of experience and have shown the potential to become ATS Shift Supervisor
  • Been newly appointed to the role of a shift supervisor

Entry Requirements


Participants must have:

  1. A comprehensive knowledge of ATS rules and procedures
  2. The required operational experience, if so required nominated by the regulating civil aviation authority
  3. The appropriate Certificate of Competence(s)/License, if so required by the regulating civil aviation authority

Upcoming Sessions

Dates Location Host Fee
9 - 12 Dec, 2024
UTC+04:00 (Abu Dhabi) time zone
1,205.00 USD
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We will notify you as soon as a new session becomes available

Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person and Virtual)
4 Days / 24 Hours
4 Days / 24 Hours
Level: Technical