Area Control Surveillance Refresher Course

Area Control Surveillance Refresher Course

054/069/ATC RDR REF
Standardized Training Package


This course will provide participants with up to date knowledge, skills and attitudes required on the current procedures and regulations related to air traffic services of Area Control Surveillance.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion the course, the trainees will be able to: 

  • Identify up to date regulations related to area control;
  • Apply standard phraseology;
  • Apply up to date procedures on area control surveillance;
  • Handle unusual condition of area control surveillance;
  • Describe aircraft performance and air navigation facilities.

Primary Target Population

 Air Traffic Controller

Entry Requirements

Participants must have ATC License;

Participants should have Area Control Surveillance Ratting.

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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person)
Duration: 10 Days / 60 Hours
Level: Technical