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Centro de Estudios Aeronáuticos (CEA)

Bogotá, Colombia


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The Center for Aeronautical Studies (CEA) operates in accordance with the legal nature of the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics, and its academic regime complies with article 137 of Law 30 of 1992, for the purpose of providing training at the professional level that results in the award of technical, university and specialization degrees. In this regard, the MEN by Resolution 02909 of 21 February 2018, authorized the assignment of code in the National Higher Education Information System (SNIES), to the Center for Aeronautical Science Studies (CEA) of the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics, a name corrected through Resolution 016859 of October 19, 2018, with recognition being made to the Center for Aeronautical Studies -CEA-


The CEA, integrally trains professionals competent in the application of the aeronautical sciences, with principles and values that promote the sustainable development of the country, at the economic, social and environmental level, developing functions of teaching, research, extension, social projection and internationalization.


By 2026, the CEA will be recognized as a Higher Education Institution of academic excellence at the national and international level, through the promotion of continuous learning and the development of research processes in the field of aeronautical sciences

1 Upcoming Training Sessions

Course Course Dates & Location Fee
Gestión  estratégica de las operaciones de salvamento y extinción de incendios en aeronaves
2 - 6 Sep, 2024
Bogota, Colombia
1,000.00 USD

Developed Courses

Curso de Rescate y Supresión de Incendios en Aeronaves - CRESIA

Developed by Centro de Estudios Aeronáuticos (CEA), Colombia
7 Days
Instructor-led (In-person)
Standardized Training Package

Gestión estratégica de las operaciones de salvamento y extinción de incendios en aeronaves

Developed by Centro de Estudios Aeronáuticos (CEA), Colombia
5 Days
Instructor-led (In-person)
Standardized Training Package

Interpretación de Imágenes Satelitales aplicadas a la Meteorología Aeronáutica.

Developed by Centro de Estudios Aeronáuticos (CEA), Colombia
5 Days
Instructor-led (In-person)
Air Navigation Services
Standardized Training Package

Investigación de Incidentes ATS, una herramienta para el SMS: Imparticion Virtual

Developed by Centro de Estudios Aeronáuticos (CEA), Colombia
5 Days
Instructor-led (Virtual)
Air Navigation Services
Standardized Training Package

Tácticas de conducción y operación de vehículos RFF

Developed by Centro de Estudios Aeronáuticos (CEA), Colombia
5 Days
Instructor-led (In-person)
Standardized Training Package
Type: Civil Aviation Authority
Legal Status: Governmental
Course Languages: Spanish
Contact Info
Avenida El dorado No. 103-23
Bogotá, Bogotá D.C., 110911006