Air Navigation Services ATM Inspector

Air Navigation Services ATM Inspector

Standardized Training Package


To provide Air Traffic Management inspectors with Skills, Knowledge and Attitudes to oversight Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems in accordance with national regulations.

Learning Objectives


  • Review State Safety Oversight Requirements
  • Plan ANS-ATM Surveillance activities
  • Conduct Surveillance on ANS-ATM Systems
  • Write ANS-ATM Inspection report
  • Enforce ANS-ATM Regulations
  • Manage ANS-ATM Oversight Documents




  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Safety Oversight Requirements
  • Module 2: Planning Surveillance activities
  • Module 3: Conducting Surveillance
  • Module 4: Inspection Report
  • Module 5: Enforcement of ANS-ATM Regulations
  • Module 6: Management of ANS-ATM Oversight Documents

Primary Target Population

Air traffic Management (ATM) Inspectors.

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements:

  •  Air Traffic Controllers with a minimum of three (3) ratings.
  • At least 5 years experience in ATM operations station
  • Proficient in written and spoken English
  • Computer literacy


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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person and Virtual)
7 Days / 43 Hours
9 Days / 47 Hours
Level: Technical