Overview of Airport Pavement Strength Rating (OAPSR EN)

Overview of Airport Pavement Strength Rating (OAPSR EN)

ICAO Course


The course provides airport management, regulator and airline staff required to work within and implement the new aircraft classification rating – pavement classification rating (ACR-PCR) system, with the competencies required to manage the transition from aircraft classification number-pavement classification number (ACN-PCN) to ACR-PCR system, in accordance with the ICAO ACR-PCR method as detailed in the Aerodrome Design Manual Part 3 (Pavements) 2022 edition.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: ‎

  • Describe the benefits of the new ACR-PCR system.
  • Identify unreasonable PCR values when compared to current PCN values.


  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Overview of Airport Pavement Strength Rating

Primary Target Population

The target audience for this course is staff who interact with the the ACR-PCR system for route planning, airport pavement management and airport regulation purposes. The target audience will include:

  • Airline flight operations staff
  • Airport operations and management staff
  • State CAA staff
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Course Info
Language: English
Other Languages: French
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person and Virtual)
1 Day / 4 Hours
1 Day / 6 Hours
Level: Technical