Introduction to the National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP EN): Online

Introduction to the National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP EN): Online

ICAO Course


This course aims to provide an overview and practice with the planning and implementation of a national aviation safety plan (NASP), in alignment with the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and the regional aviation safety plan (RASP).

Course Description

The course helps you develop valuable skills in identifying national operational safety risks and organizational challenges, such as those related to implementing a State safety programme (SSP) and planning initiatives to address them. You will begin with a clear introduction to ICAO's Global Safety Strategy. You will then explore the content of a NASP and walk through the 8-step development process, including practice using the roadmap's templates and other essential guidance material. You will be able to apply this knowledge to analyse and compare State documents, initiatives and key issues at the national, regional and global levels.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the goals and purpose of the GASP, and the different roles of States, Regional Aviation Safety Groups (RASGs) and industry.
  • Identify key elements of safety planning overall, and describe the key features and the 6 goals for the 2023-2025 edition of the GASP.
  • Explain the structure of the roadmap overall, and its two parts - the ORG (organizational challenges) roadmap and the OPS (operational safety risks) roadmap, including the layout of safety enhancement initiatives (SEIs).
  • Outline the content of a NASP.
  • Differentiate between the purpose and content of a NASP, in comparison with a State safety programme (SSP), as well as other State plans (e.g., air navigation).
  • Describe the first steps in the NASP development process, including forming a team, conducting a self-evaluation and identifying hazards and safety deficiencies.
  • Analyze approaches for developing a list of prioritized national safety issues, and setting goals, targets and indicators needed to address them and building an action plan to support NASP implementation.
  • Identify key elements of Doc 10131, Manual on the Development of Regional and National Aviation Safety Plans, which contains all the essential templates and information to develop a NASP, as well as other guidance material including GASP and useful checklists.

Course Structure

  • Course Introduction
  • Module 1: Overview of GASP
  • Module 2: Challenges & Priorities in Safety Planning
  • Module 3: Roadmaps for Regional & National Safety Planning
  • Module 4: Content of NASP
  • Module 5: NASP & SSP Relationship
  • Module 6: NASP Development Process - Forming a Team & Identifying Safety Deficiencies
  • Module 7: NASP Development Process - Listing Issues & Setting Goals
  • Module 8: NASP Development Process – Identifying SEIs & Measuring Safety Performance
  • Module 9: Using the Guidance Material
  • Course Summary
  • Addendum: Q&A Session
  • Key Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms
  • Final Exam

Primary Target Population

  • Civil Aviation Authorities, Member States, and other aviation industry professionals involved in the planning, development, and implementation of a national aviation safety plan (NASP)
  • Other aviation industry professionals who are interested in expanding their knowledge in the areas related to the NASP

Course Fee

400.00 USD
CAA Employee: 300.00 USD
Take This Course
Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 6 Hours
Level: Technical