Training Needs Analysis Fundamentals (TNAF EN): Online

Training Needs Analysis Fundamentals (TNAF EN): Online

ICAO Course


The Training Needs Analysis Fundamentals online course will provide Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) and Civil Aviation Training Centre (CATC) personnel responsible for training with the knowledge to determine if a TNA is required to address a performance gap, and the steps associated with conducting a TNA, in accordance with the relevant ICAO provisions.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  •   identify the function of a training needs analysis
  •   identify the steps associated with a training needs analysis

Course Structure:

The course has the following modules:

• Module 1 Training Needs Analysis Fundamentals

- Function of a TNA

- TNA within ICAO context

- TNA process

• Module 2 Training Needs Analysis Procedures

- Performance analysis

- Job analysis

- Training requirements analysis

• Final exam

Primary Target Population

Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) and Civil Aviation Training Centres (CATCs) personnel responsible for training.

Course Fee

200.00 USD
Women Discount: 10% off
CAA Employee: 150.00 USD
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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Online
Duration: 2 Hours
Level: Technical