Disabled Aircraft Recovery Procedures

Disabled Aircraft Recovery Procedures

110/205/AGA DARP
Standardized Training Package


This course will provide personnel handling flight operations with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required to effectively perform disabled aircraft recovery procedures so as to restore normal operations in accordance with DGCA AERODROME CIRCULAR 07 of 2017 "Guidance on Preparation of Aerodrome Emergency Plan including Disabled Aircraft Removal".

Learning Objectives

After successful completion of this courseŁˆ the participants will be able to:

1. Develop a Disabled Aircraft Recovery Plan (ARP).

2. Perform disabled aircraft recovery process.

3. Perform aircraft post recovery process.



  • Module 0: Introduction
  • Module 1: Disabled Aircraft Recovery Plan
  • Module 2: Survey and Planning
  • Module 3: Preparation and Recovery
  • Module 4: Reporting

Primary Target Population

Personnel working with:

1. Airport Operators

2. Aircraft Operators

3. Ground Handling Agencies

4. MRO

5. Aircraft Fuelling Agencies

Entry Requirements

1. Have Tertiary Qualifications

2. Be able to understand, read and write in the English Language

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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person)
Duration: 3 Days / 18 Hours
Level: Technical