Conducting Apron Regulatory Safety Inspections

Conducting Apron Regulatory Safety Inspections

209/168/SMS ARSI
Standardized Training Package


This STP will provide apron safety inspectors/analysts with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to effectively perform apron regulatory safety inspections in accordance with GACAR Safety Regulations, GACAR Section 21 Safety Management System and Airport Operations Manual.

Learning Objectives

After successful completion of the course, the trainees will be able to;

- Perform daily regulatory inspections

- Monitor ground handling safety operations

- Apply emergency and evacuation process

- Respond to accident/incident calls

Primary Target Population

- Apron Safety Inspectors

- Apron Safety Analysts

Entry Requirements

Trainee should:

a) have successfully completed Basic Airport Operations Course

b) possess secondary school certificate

c) have command in english language

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Course Info
Language: English
Delivery Mode: Instructor-Led (In-Person)
Duration: 5 Days / 30 Hours
Level: Technical